general knowledge questions for kids

generalknowledge questions for kids

The geographical features general knowledge questionsfor kids of India,The fertility of the country,Patliputra, the capital of Chandragupta Maurya, ) The absence of science quizquestions and answers slavery in India,The 7 castes of the Indians,The rare occurance of theft in their country, Indian Philosophers, and  The part played by Dionysus and Herakles in India. Scholars have general knowledge questions with answers differed in their estimate of Megasthenese's veracity (truthfulness). In the present state of our knowledge, online generalknowledge perhaps it is best to say that, though Megasthenese related truthfully what he saw, there are also things that he reproduced from hearsay. 'Indica' was the first quiz games general knowledge book through which ancient Europe knew about India. Megasthenese was the first ambassador that mentioned quizzes for adults generalknowledge in Indian history.


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