Competition Refresher Magazine

Competition Refresher Magazine

New investment proposals belie hopes is on the 45th page of competition refresher magazine
CompetitionRefresher Magazine Preliminary results of aggregate capex values for the quarter ended September are disappointing, in a way. Although they do not show any great deterioration in investment Competition Refresher Magazine `acti‘iities, they fail to live up to the small promise held out during the past few months that a revival in the capex cycle was around the corner. Competition Refresher Capacity utilisation rose to 75 per cent in March 2018. This was the highest utilisation rate reported by RBI's OBICUS in four years. Competition Refresher New orders received by companies peaked in March 2018 and they also shot up in August 2018 Competition Refresher gk when machinery orders zoomed to their highest level. Year-on-year growth in cement production has been in double-digits consistently since November 2017 and steel production showed a spark with 6.8 per cent y-o-y growth in August 2018 Competition Refresher gk.


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