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Bsc magazine download magazine

RBI eases SLR is on page 13 of BSC

Bsc magazine download magazine The Reserve Bank of India on 27 Sep allowed banks to dip further into statutory liquidity  ratio (SLR) reserves in a bid to provide more liquidity in the financial markets hit by the  IL&FS group defaults. Bsc magazine download magazine  The RBI said banks can 'carve out' up to 15 per cent of holdings under  the SI,R reserves to meet their liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) requirements as  compared to 13 per They can avail of higher liquidity with effect from Oct 1 as it has  enhanced Bsc magazine download magazine  the "Facility to Avail Liquidity for Liquidity Coverage Ratio (FALLCR)" from the  existing 11 per cent to 13 per cent of their deposits. This move will take the total carve-out  from SI,R available Bsc magazine download magazine to banks to 15 per cent of their deposits. Banks ' SLR, which is the percentage  of deposits that they have to mandatorily invest in govt and state govt securities, is currently at 19.5  percent Bsc magazine download magazine


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