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competition wizard magazine BRIJENDRA PAL SINGH The Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting on December 13, 2018 nominated 'CID' Director-producer Brijendra Pal Singh as the new President of Film and Television Institute of India (FT11) and as the Chairman of FTII Governing Council. competition wizard magazine subscription The nomination was made by the Miniitry under Rule 3 and Rule 22 of the Rules of the FTII.  competition wizard magazine buy online Singh is at present the Vice Chairman of the FTII G3verning Council. Once appointed, Singh's tenure will be for the remaining period of 3 years block starting from March 4, 2017 as per the provisions of Rule 6(1) of the Rules of FTII, Pune. RAJIV MEHRISHI: Rajiv Maharishi, the Comptroller and Auditor General (SAG) of India, was elected as the Vice-Chair of United Nations Panel of External competition wizard magazine online


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