Buy science reporter magazine

Buy science reporter magazine

Buy science reporter magazine In the framework of the awarded SCAR Visiting Professor- ship-2017, I trained a group of young researchers at NCAOR on diatom taxonomy and shared experiences on Southern Ocean  paleo-oceanography. Buy science reporter magazine The aim of the training was to refine their knowledge and identification of Southern Ocean diatom species to provide robust reconstructions of paleoclimate. Hopefully, the training would be helpful for the research¬ers. Buy science reporter magazine The lectures also included training on statistical analysis to allow quantitative estimation (absolute values) of past sea-surface temperature and sea-ice conditions. science reporter magazine in hindi These data can be used to constrain or could be directly assimilated into (paleo) climate models to better understand the processes linking the atmosphere, the ocean, the cryosphere and the biosphere and to predict the future climate conditions. science reporter magazine in hindi With the training I hope that the Paleoclimate team of Antarctic Science Group headed by Dr. Rahul Mohan of NCAOR will become one of the leading groups in Southern Ocean paleo-oceanography. science reporter magazine in hindiDuring my stay, I tried to develop official collabora¬tion with NCAOR that will benefit both NCAOR and EPOC (University of Bordeaux). The official framework may include coordination of large-scale programmes such as sea-going expeditions and international research projects as well as co-coordination of young researchers, transfer of expertise, etc.


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